Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Woman on p. 194

When it comes to fashion and beauty magazines, most of the women featured in them look like models rather than a "regular" woman. As I got onto the internet the other day, this article caught my attention:
The article is about feeling comfortable in your own skin. Sure wish I felt that way. Anyways, the photo that went along with the story was of a woman named Lizzi Miller. She is, in fact, a model. A plus size model. (She wears a size 12-14.) The reason why and so many other women loved this photo was because it is a picture of a beautiful woman, sitting in nothing but "her underwear with a smile on her face and a belly that looks...wait for it...normal." It was so refreshing to see a "real" woman in a fashion and beauty magazine. A real woman who has a belly and stretch marks. A real woman who loves herself no matter what others think of her. So, here is to you, the woman on p. 194!! Thanks for being such a great role model for girls everywhere! And me. Hopefully, I will be just as confident you are one day.



VICKI IN AZ said...

Here's to you my friend.
And to the Woman on pg. 194.
What a great post.


Devon said...

Nice. Great post! Good to see a REAL person in a magazine!

Paula said...

Hi, just found your blog and myself in the pciture. Arent we all the woman on pg. 194. Great to meet you.

Going Family said...

She looks great. When did size 12-14 become a plus size?! I thought those were normal sizes.

Pameleen said...

Can the ego and self-doubt actually be conquered? I hope so.

Anonymous said...

I've always been a fan of plus-size models! There's a great site with many images of plus-size models here:

They're all gorgeous. The site's forum also has thought-provoking discussions about body image and the media.