So, over the last week, I have recieved some comments on my blog that were a little off. I don't want to make my blog private because there are many different people that read my blog. Good people, kind people. However, if I continue to get weird comments, it will be in my family's best interest to go private. So, I just wanted to give everyone a head's up.
Whatever you have to do is the right thing for you huni!! Just be sure and send me an invitation if you go private. I miss talking to you. If it would be ok to call you on the phone would you send me your number in an email?
Sorry about the strange comments. Do you have the thing checked so that you can view any comments befor they post and you can delete them if you don't like them then. Maybe you have that, I can't remember. It's too bad that people have to leave rude or strange comments. :(
that is a little scarry! who does stuff like that
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