I have started this post 4 different times already and I just can't seem to get it right. With Easter being yesterday, I have thought alot about our Savior and the atonement. How grateful I am to be a member of The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. To know the plan of salvation. To know that I will have an eternal family one day. Wth all of this in mind, our family and our community lost a precious child yesterday in a tragic accident. When you don't know what to say or how to say it, but want to help so badly and yet you can't. These are the times when we need to remember the gospel and the promises that we have been given, even as hard as it is. When, really during these times all you want to do is ask why. I know that there really isn't anything I can say, except that my heart is breaking and how much I love you all. I want to bear my testimony that I know that Thomas S. Monson is a living prophet. I believe in eternal families. I am thankful for my loving Heavenly Father; for my Savior that gave his life so that I may live. I love this gospel and I am so very thankful to have this knowledge. I know that as I stay close with the Lord and walk the straight and narrow path, that eventually good will win. I say these things in the name of thy son Jesus Christ. Amen.
"Each of us will taste the bitter ashes of life, from sin and neglect to sorrow and disappointment. But the atonement of Christ can lift us up in beauty from our ashes on the wings of a sure promise of immortality and eternal life. He will thus lift us up, not only at the end of life, but in each day of our lives."
--Bruce C. Hafen, "Beauty for Ashes: The Atonement of Jesus Christ, Liahona", Apr. 1997, 39
8 months ago
It breaks my heart to think of what your family is going through. You are in my prayers
I'm so sorry, Jodie. I am thinking of you.
HUGE HUGS!!! I too am so so grateful for the Atonement. Someday everything will be ok.
Im so sorry Jodie...(((HUGS)))
The gospel IS comforting. But grieving is still a part of the process when we experience a loss. I hope that you can feel comforted during this difficult time.
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