Man, is it just me or is this year flying by? I cannot believe that in 2 days it will be May. Which means in 5 weeks Bryce and I will be married for 5 years. In 7 weeks, my baby girl will be 2!! And in just 8 short weeks, I will turn the big 3-0. Aaaaggggghhhhhh!!
So, with Mother's Day fast approaching, I was wondering what are you going to get your mother? Since, my mom lives so far away, I usually just send her flowers and a card. I would like to do something a little more special this year. So, if you have any thoughts please share. On another note, I have been "volunteered" by Bryce to help make the Mother's Day gift that is handed out to all the moms right after sacrament. Now, we could have gone the easy route and just gotten Hershey bars for all the moms, but we are doing something more creative this year. I only wish that I knew how time consuming it was going to be. Because if I had known then what I know now, we would have done the Hershey bars! Ivory and I spent over 7 hours yesterday (yes, 7) working on them and we are no where near done. The sad part is that this is my gift too. So, I am making my own gift. Hopefully, Bryce will realize how much time and effort that has gone into these and he will get me something wonderful! A girl can dream, right?
8 months ago